** COSMESTICALLY CHALLENGED AUTOMATIC!! COMES WITH LONG MOT, VERY GOOD SERVICE HISTORY, JUST BODYWORK NOT GREAT!! ** air bag driver, air bag passenger, air-conditioning, air-conditioning ilo sunroof, Body coloured bumpers, Central door locking, centre rear seat belt, electric windows (front), Head Restraints, ice 5000 ilo 4000, Immobiliser, in car entertainment (radio/cd autochanger), mirrors external, power-assisted steering, Seat height adjustment, Self-levelling Suspension , Side protection mouldings, spare wheel (steel)
This 2000 Ford Focus 1.6i 16v LX Hatchback 5dr Petrol Automatic (188 g/km, 99 bhp) Hatchback is currently available for £1,295 in Weston super Mare Somerset with Petrol engine and Automatic gearbox. For more information or to arrange a viewing, click here to send us an email using form below.
This 2000 Ford Focus 1.6i 16v LX Hatchback 5dr Petrol Automatic (188 g/km, 99 bhp) Hatchback is currently available for £1,295 in Weston super Mare Somerset with Petrol engine and Automatic gearbox. For more information or to arrange a viewing, click here to send us an email using form below.